The DarkRooms Exhibition: Retrospective

The DarkRooms Exhibition: Retrospective

The DARK ROOMS – a retrospective
THE DARK ROOMS ist an exhibtion where Artists present their works in der pitch black dark space. Only the Artworks are spotlighted. The intention is to change the perception of art while excluding the distraction of surrounding environment.

Artbox: “Totaldemokratie” online order

Artbox: “Totaldemokratie” online order

The Dark Boxes Von Hand signierte und in einer limitierten Auflage von 20 Stück produzierte Kunstdrucke. Eure Möglichkeit die Ausstellung zu unterstützen! HIER GEHT ES ZU DEN DARK BOXES THE DARK BOX 1 – Enthält sechs Kunstdrucke auf Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308 g/m²,...
THE DARK ROOMS exhibition announcment

THE DARK ROOMS exhibition announcment

SA-PO at “The Dark Rooms” Exhibition The Dark Rooms ist eine Ausstellung, die der schnelllebigen Kunstwahrnehmung entgegen arbeitet: Durch die Dunkelheit wird der Besucher zum unsichtbaren Beobachter. Auf fünf Stockwerken und einer Fläche von 1500m2 der...
Lissabon: SA-PO Art at Charivari Vol.1

Lissabon: SA-PO Art at Charivari Vol.1

The visual creations of SA-PO were this time presented in Lissabon, during the Charivari Vol 1 Exhibition. The famous Collection of “Maschinenträume 1”, “Maschinenträume 2” and “Gridlock” was for the first time shown to the public...
SA-PO presents new works in Danzig

SA-PO presents new works in Danzig

After a year of hard work on the new ideas and techniques, we will present on 03. October 2015 in Danzig (Poland) to the public a series of brand new artworks. The new Artworks confront us all with the latest changes in the society. We put this deep and controversy theme into yet unseen visual presentation form.