Press release: Volume 2 in Warsaw announced!

Press release: Volume 2 in Warsaw announced!

SA-PO is proud to announce the upcoming event “360 MINUTES ART: VOLUME 2″. Our team (Igor Posavec and Sven Sauer) will be there and expose their newest artwork creations! The highly anticipated exhibition, famous for its radical way of presenting original artworks, is...


First the exhibition and then the brutal ending: unsold artworks get burned and forever destroyed. These are the rules of the game, and the artists Sven Sauer and Igor Posavec take the bait… (“Wiesbadener Kurier” video report, 2014)

360 Minutes Art Trailer

Ein heißes Projekt – im Wortsinn. Denn bei der radikalen Aktion, die an diesem Samstag im Alten Gericht an der Wiesbadener Moritzstraße geplant ist, gehen Bilder und Fotografien in Flammen auf. Alle Werke eben, die vorher nicht binnen einer sechsstündigen...