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Here you find press material (in parts) about our recent exhibitions and work. For the full articles, please download the presskit attached.
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“Their artworks are sophisticated and impressive. They play with light and shadow, take the audience along with them and excite its fantasy.
It´s the viewers choice what to believe as real or unreal. He decides what he wants to see or not.e.”

“Master of Backdrop”

“A Head full of Magic Worlds”

“From a creative standpoint I’m mind-blown. These are the most skillful digital works I’ve had on my screen so far.”

“Fascinating surreal.
The artists combine the dilemma of “Do androids dream of electric sheep?” with their own observations of the cities as a crucible for social and technological media.”

” If machines have a soul, …fantastic creations show the isolated streets of society to a lost robot “

“Each piece contains a nested comment on modern society. Find an intimate, emotional familiarity from the longing, curious and situational obtuse of a primary subject.”
“…what it is that separates humana from machines?
This beautiful touching artworks, depicting a machine that turns on the viewer, putting us human beings into an unexpected empathy test.”

“The resulting collections represent a whimsical and charming narrative about society’s technological development and interactions, showing the robot(s) inhabiting man-made environments but in a humorous and non-threatening manner.”

“An awesome series featuring a nostalgic giant.
Cleverly mixes to create a dark universe.”

“He creates magical worlds of dreams”