What Won’t Be Sold, Will Be Burnt Crazy Art Exhibition in Wiesbaden
Works of artists burning in the yard of the Old Court of Wiesbaden – Controversial action! Dozens of artworks burn. People watch head-shaking and clapping!
Last Saturday, the crazy art exhibition “360 Minutes Art” took place in the Old Court.
– The concept: 8 regional artists show more than 100 artworks (prices from 650 to 3800 euros) for only 6 hours. What won’t be sold till 10 pm, will be burnt.
– Why such an exhibition? Artist and organizer Sven Sauer (34): “How do we look at an artwork that is on view to the public for only 360 minutes?”
– Why burning? Sauer: “The works are to get destroyed. Only ashes shall be left.” During the six hours, 700 visitors pass through the catacombs of the Old Court.
About 20 works are sold.
At 10 pm sharp, the burning starts! In the courtyard, flames rise out of two steel drums. Artist Babak Nafarieh (41) sold none of his 45 artworks. He cuts up his oil paintings with a carpet knife, tears them up and throws them into the fire, “I feel lugubrious. But now there is room for something new.”
Before this exhibition took place, there had been some reproaches: Wouldn’t it wake up memories of a dark German chapter?
“We have created those artworks, we can also destroy them.” said Sven Sauer.